Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We recorded some video for the second song, Last Farewell and it was really creepy.  but then again, it wasn't Blake's fault.the lyrics were very weird. and that's basically all that happened.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eventful day

This weekend we actually started filming!!!! yaaaayy! over the weekend we filmed about a fourth of "fantastic baby" and it was pretty awesome. today, however, we started on "last farewell" during class. for this video, we need a female, for the entire song is about loving this one girl.... so we chose Isabel the Great. we filmed everything we could without her first, then moved on to her shots... lets just say that it got a bit creepy (but that was what we were aiming for, so...). overall, we probably got half of the filming done for the song, which in my opinion, is a job well done.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I don't know what Blake or Darden posted so this is what we did.
First Blake gave us the song lyrics to the songs that we were going to do.  Then tried to sing through the songs (and failed horribly) and decided who would sing what parts.  Then we decided what we would be doing when recording each part.
And sorry for being late.  I slept in this morning and I had email problems last night.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Darden again. 
So, we were trying to sing through the lyrics today... and... well... Yeah, to make a long story short, It was weird. Its going to take a lot of practicing before we can do it on video, but we do have a few things that we can film right now without singing or anything. If all goes according to our evil plot to take over the wor- I mean, our project plan, then we should get things up and running pretty fast. This is going to be fun. 

And off we go

We finally chose our second song from the running. We chose Bigbang's Last Farewell. Now I know that Bigbang isnt the only kpop group out there, so real Kpop fans don't kill me, but BigBang is one of the easiest to mock.
We also got the translations to the songs, and let me tell you, they are bad. very bad.