Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Google Day

So. It looks like we got all of the footage for our second song today, and we're nearly done shooting for the first song. The end is in sight... for tony and I, at least. Gosh, I feel bad that Blake has to do all of the editing, but he says he knows how. Today was actually pretty fun, it was just all of us creeping on Isabel in front of a video recorder. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ends up.



So today we filmed. A lot. We recruited the help of our dear friend Daniel Trang (not in band, but was there anyway), and he filmed as much as he could. Unforunately, the batteries ran out almost immediately. Fortunately, I am a time-traveling Wizard, and was somehow able to magic the batteries back to life. They then lasted all class. Overall it was a pretty sucessful filming day. We got the entirety of "Last Farewell" done, and we only have about three shots to go for fantastic baby. Now starts the grueling process of editing. great.,......

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Today's shots were fun.

So, Today we shot a few scenes outside. It was cold. Very cold. But that was Ok, because we're ll too insane to care. Anyway, we shot the beginning to About Love, and it was fun. The'res an instrumental section with just classical music playing and a guy riding his bicycle up to a school. We used my bike for that, and I nearly broke it few times, but I do that a lot. So. I hope it all looks good, but even if this whole video project thing turns out terrible, It would all be worth it for getting to dress up in weird costumes and walk around school in them for a period every other week.