Friday, December 21, 2012

Yep.  We finished.  It was fun.  If you can't tell by now, I'm not very descriptive. Yeah.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What I have learned...

This whole project has been a blast to work on, from creation to acting/ filming to editing. (scratch that, editing is awful) Throughout this process, I learned a lot about filmaking, specifically about making music videos. you have to sync up the actor's mouths and actions to the music, and if you havent filmed in time with the music then you are somewhat screwed (like us). Overall though, I just had a great time goofing off with Darden and Tony and making such a well recieved video.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So, we suffered some setbacks through this whole process, and we had to cut production on fantastic baby, but we finally finished last farewell, and boy is it great.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Google Day

So. It looks like we got all of the footage for our second song today, and we're nearly done shooting for the first song. The end is in sight... for tony and I, at least. Gosh, I feel bad that Blake has to do all of the editing, but he says he knows how. Today was actually pretty fun, it was just all of us creeping on Isabel in front of a video recorder. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ends up.



So today we filmed. A lot. We recruited the help of our dear friend Daniel Trang (not in band, but was there anyway), and he filmed as much as he could. Unforunately, the batteries ran out almost immediately. Fortunately, I am a time-traveling Wizard, and was somehow able to magic the batteries back to life. They then lasted all class. Overall it was a pretty sucessful filming day. We got the entirety of "Last Farewell" done, and we only have about three shots to go for fantastic baby. Now starts the grueling process of editing. great.,......

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Today's shots were fun.

So, Today we shot a few scenes outside. It was cold. Very cold. But that was Ok, because we're ll too insane to care. Anyway, we shot the beginning to About Love, and it was fun. The'res an instrumental section with just classical music playing and a guy riding his bicycle up to a school. We used my bike for that, and I nearly broke it few times, but I do that a lot. So. I hope it all looks good, but even if this whole video project thing turns out terrible, It would all be worth it for getting to dress up in weird costumes and walk around school in them for a period every other week.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We recorded some video for the second song, Last Farewell and it was really creepy.  but then again, it wasn't Blake's fault.the lyrics were very weird. and that's basically all that happened.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eventful day

This weekend we actually started filming!!!! yaaaayy! over the weekend we filmed about a fourth of "fantastic baby" and it was pretty awesome. today, however, we started on "last farewell" during class. for this video, we need a female, for the entire song is about loving this one girl.... so we chose Isabel the Great. we filmed everything we could without her first, then moved on to her shots... lets just say that it got a bit creepy (but that was what we were aiming for, so...). overall, we probably got half of the filming done for the song, which in my opinion, is a job well done.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I don't know what Blake or Darden posted so this is what we did.
First Blake gave us the song lyrics to the songs that we were going to do.  Then tried to sing through the songs (and failed horribly) and decided who would sing what parts.  Then we decided what we would be doing when recording each part.
And sorry for being late.  I slept in this morning and I had email problems last night.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Darden again. 
So, we were trying to sing through the lyrics today... and... well... Yeah, to make a long story short, It was weird. Its going to take a lot of practicing before we can do it on video, but we do have a few things that we can film right now without singing or anything. If all goes according to our evil plot to take over the wor- I mean, our project plan, then we should get things up and running pretty fast. This is going to be fun. 

And off we go

We finally chose our second song from the running. We chose Bigbang's Last Farewell. Now I know that Bigbang isnt the only kpop group out there, so real Kpop fans don't kill me, but BigBang is one of the easiest to mock.
We also got the translations to the songs, and let me tell you, they are bad. very bad.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A few more to the running...

We have decided on "Fantasic Baby" for sure, and I took the liberty of adding two more to the list for our second video. They are:

OK by B1A4

Baby Goodnight, also by B1A4

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Hay Guise, Its Darden. 

     So, Here's my first post... I just wanted to put some ideas out there that we came up with today. I'm not going to put them all down-We came up with a new idea every two seconds-but I will put down some important things.
     First off: We will most likely need extra people for some scenes that we shoot. We don't have any details or anything like that yet, but if you might want to help out, you could try to contact one of us.
     Second: We're planning on using a lot of props-Pretty much anything ridiculousness that you can think of, We'll be wanting to use. Again, no details yet, but if anyone is out there with some weird spare item or piece of clothing they would let us use, That would be awesome. Maybe even makeup. 
     Third: We will be shooting all around Lake Oswego and maybe Portland. If anyone knows any good places for shooting any of the videos Blake posted, that would be awesome if you could leave a comment with the location.

     Besides that, it looks like thins are coming together. Blake has some video editing skills and a camera, and we were coming up with some pretty good ideas. This will be a lot of fun. 


Today I brought in my Ipod (because of my overload of Kpop) and we searched through for song ideas. We decided we are going to do 2-3 songs for the project, and they have to both sound good and have awful translations. from my ipod we narrowed it down to these songs (keep in mind we do not yet have the translations, and that these arent our final choices):

BigBang: Fantastic Baby
                                      CNBLUE: One of a Kind (This one is in english, but awful english).
BigBang: Tonight
BigBang: Haru Haru
BigBang: Last farewell
CNBLUE: Ready n go
So currently those are our choices. we still need to research lyrics and maybe choose some other ones

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day One (letsa go!)

Well, this should be interesting... We started off today as the three guys who had no one to work with and no idea what to do, and remained that way for the majority of class. Lucky for us, near end of class I came up with a brilliant idea (and I say that as modestly as I can muster). We decided to work with that idea, and here we are.
The idea was this: We take Korean Pop songs (Kpop, which I have plenty of on my Ipod) and run the lyrics through a terrible translating system *cough google translate cough* we then take the badly translated lyrics and do a literal interpretation of them along to the original music. oh, and we film it.
It was originally intended as a joke, but I think it will work out, and be an interesting experience full of overacting and cross-dressing.