Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Hay Guise, Its Darden. 

     So, Here's my first post... I just wanted to put some ideas out there that we came up with today. I'm not going to put them all down-We came up with a new idea every two seconds-but I will put down some important things.
     First off: We will most likely need extra people for some scenes that we shoot. We don't have any details or anything like that yet, but if you might want to help out, you could try to contact one of us.
     Second: We're planning on using a lot of props-Pretty much anything ridiculousness that you can think of, We'll be wanting to use. Again, no details yet, but if anyone is out there with some weird spare item or piece of clothing they would let us use, That would be awesome. Maybe even makeup. 
     Third: We will be shooting all around Lake Oswego and maybe Portland. If anyone knows any good places for shooting any of the videos Blake posted, that would be awesome if you could leave a comment with the location.

     Besides that, it looks like thins are coming together. Blake has some video editing skills and a camera, and we were coming up with some pretty good ideas. This will be a lot of fun.